Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 04:30:18 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #343 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 17 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 343 Today's Topics: BAYCOM FOR MAC GP English Docs GRAPES 56k RF modems Heathkit H-89's jnos40 Need NEDA information Newbie Part II: The bad sequal Newsletters/Magazines on Packet Radio Packet BBS posting from/to Japan? (4 msgs) Pakratt for Windows vs PkGold PK-232-->MAC-->TCP/IP? Send .COM files over e-mail Standard C5718DA Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 03:57:48 GMT From: (Gregory Smith) Subject: BAYCOM FOR MAC I'm posting for a friend who has a Mac, and is looking fo software for the BAYCOM modem. ANY HELP? contackt N8WLY@K8SCH packet for info -73- De Greg, N8PPZ ------------------------------ Date: 16 Oct 1994 21:39:06 -0400 From: (Peyton) Subject: GP English Docs I put the English docs for GP 1.60 into the AOL Ham files, and until they get it together for the ftp, that is the best i can do. Sorry 73 de N4UZJ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 03:20:37 GMT From: (Cybernaut) Subject: GRAPES 56k RF modems In following the thread on 56k+ packet networking, I became very interested in this product, a GRAPES RF modem. If anyone knows where this product is listed or sold, I would very much like to find out where these gizmoes can be had. I am desinging a packet network to link area high schools to the Physics Department at Indiana State University and the higher the throughput the better, so if there's a faster possibility than a GRAPES RF modem, I'd certainly like to know about it. P.S. I'm assuming GRAPES is an acronym. What does that thing stand for? -- Matt Garrett, N9THG Cybernaut ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 04:33:00 GMT From: (Mike Morris) Subject: Heathkit H-89's (Don Hay) writes: >I have TWO Heathkit H-89 (factory built) computers. These are Z80 based >machines built into a 'smart' 25 line addressable terminal. These are >1980 vintage, are compatible only with themselves! Both have built-in >floppy drives, no hard-drives, run on a DOS system. If nothing else, the >termials can be used to logon to other machines! >If you are into HAM radio, these would make an excellent choice for a >dedicated PACKET host! XYL says these MUST GO! Make an offer! >Don H. >408-447-5017 > >Cupertino/San Jose, California. Actually - it's not "DOS" as in MS-DOS. It's either CP/M or HDOS, which was Heathkit's own DOS. This is posted only to save the original poster some grief and followup mail. I'd take one but my wife would cause problems - there are already 7 computers in the house now... -- Mike Morris WA6ILQ | All opinions must be my own since nobody pays PO Box 1130 | me enough to be their mouthpiece... Arcadia, CA. 91077 | ICBM: 34.12N, 118.02W | Reply to: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 22:05:06 +0000 From: ("P. Humphreys") Subject: jnos40 Hi, I wonder if any kind soul can help me. I recently "blew" some proms to enable my D/E to run jnos40 and I'm having lots of problems. Basically when connected in "consul mode" the D/E repeatedly goes into reboot and any params "added" are lost. Removing the D connectors on the radio ports and the problem is solved - not very helpful though. It would seem that I've configured the attach commands incorrectly for my unsquelched radios. (D4-10 and IC251E - rx audio in the latter case being obtained from the receiver detector stage) My attach commands are: attach 1 slip home 1024 512 9600 attach 2 2m 256 1200 1 attach 3 430 256 9600 2 other combinations for the CD circuitry have also been tried to no avail. Using the "slip" connection from my PC with a copy of jnos110g I thought would have given me a link to the outside world via the D/E - but although I can sometimes connect to the D/E and log on etc any attempt to connect further results in a link reset; it would seem that the D/E is rebooting. Another problem - in the UK a CWID is required - is there a jnos40 version with this facility. Sorry if the request is long winded. -- P. Humphreys (Pedr) AMPRnet [] NTSnet GW6YMS @ GB7OSP.#55.GBR.EU INTERnet ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 03:44:47 GMT From: (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) Subject: Need NEDA information Can someone please provide the proper contact information for the Northeast Digital Association? I sent them a check for $15.00 which was supposed to pay for an associate membership and a copy of the 1994 annual NEDA publication which includes a great writeup on X1J. Unfortunately I didn't make a note of where I sent the check, which they deposited on July 26, 1994. I have the canceled check here, so I know they have been paid. Now, I need to contact them to see what went wrong. Thanks! Jay O'Brien -- ------------------------------ Date: 17 Oct 1994 04:10:21 GMT From: (WAN) Subject: Newbie Part II: The bad sequal Kem Warren ( wrote: : Also, could people post the names of some good books on packet radio? : They seem like an item you must special-order at almost all bookstores. : : Anyone having any Boston, MA specific info would be especially helpful. I too am looking, but the info is very old, like digital-faq, August 1993. I found the following in an April 1991 message from Tadd Torborg, KA2DEW: There are clubs that may be of benefit to people who want to learn more about packet radio. Here's some info. North East Digital Association (I'm editor for this one) Box 563 Manchester NH 03105 - NEDA runs a LARGE TheNET network of 35 multiport nodes over a 400mile range including Boston, Concord, Manchester, Springfield, Pittsfield Albany, Utica, Rochester, Binghamton, Buffalo. No phone lines, no tricks, just 150 radios/TNCs with dedicated point to point UHF, 220, 6m, 900, 1200mhz links and 2m and 220 user access ports. The club publishes about 180 pages /year of newsletters, new user help stuff, tech stuff etc. The Quarterly is about 35 pages/quarter. Membership is $15/year for US. Send a SASE to the POBox. Northern California Packet Association This is an education and coordination club that puts out a quarterly journal called the Downlink. The one I have here is 20 pages long and is chock full of packet stuff. THey are NCPA 6680 Alhambra Ave, Suite 111 Martinez CA 94553 Then there's a few magazines: New England TCPer - This journal comes out 6 times a month and $12/year NE TCPer 252 Stow Rd. Harvard, MA 01451 Digital Digest - TCP, AMTOR, RTTY, CW everything 6 times a year and is 30 to 40 pages long including commercial advertising. $16/year Digital Digest 4063 N. Goldenrod Rd Winter Park Florida 32792 Since this list is likely out of date, I've posted a separate message asking for corrections and additions. Would you share with me the documentation you managed to scrounge up? Larry Wan ------------------------------ Date: 16 Oct 1994 16:47:27 GMT From: (WAN) Subject: Newsletters/Magazines on Packet Radio I was browsing the FAQs, and came across the following list from 1991: > New England TCPer - This journal comes out 6 times a month and $12/year > NE TCPer 252 Stow Rd. Harvard, MA 01451 > > Digital Digest - TCP, AMTOR, RTTY, CW everything 6 times a year and > is 30 to 40 pages long including commercial advertising. $16/year > Digital Digest 4063 N. Goldenrod Rd Winter Park Florida 32792 Can someone please validate and update this list? Larry Wan ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 06:52:17 GMT From: (Robert Casey) Subject: Packet BBS posting from/to Japan? I have seen on my "home" packet BBS postings from many countries in Europe, some from South America, of course North America, but never seen any from Japan. A ham friend thinks that may be because of a 3rd party traffic rule or something forbidding automatic passing of posts from other hams or something. What is the real story in Japan? They don't have packet BBS's like those in USA there? Or have the Japanese hams not linked their networks to the rest of the world? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 22:09:51 GMT From: (Richard S. Boggs) Subject: Packet BBS posting from/to Japan? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 03:45:33 GMT From: (Richard S. Boggs) Subject: Packet BBS posting from/to Japan? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 04:16:00 GMT From: (Richard S. Boggs) Subject: Packet BBS posting from/to Japan? Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Packet BBS posting from/to Japan? Summary: Expires: References: Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Keywords: Cc: Sadly, your friend is right about the third party thing. I am an engineer on merchant ships and do a lot of /MM in the Far East. I used to send mail home via packet and APlink through JA5TX but this spring the japanese feds must have cracked down on third party traffic because he had to stop accepting our traffic. The japanese have a jillion (or more) PBBS stations, you can darn near see the ether near the coast (probably just smog though.) Few of them operate in English though and most of what you print out is gibberish (to them it becomes Kanjii characters.) The Korean stations love to work packet and will jump in and ask for keyboard to keyboard QSO's when they see a foreign station. They are super to work. There is a packet backbone between Pusan, Korea and Fukuoka, Japan that handles a lot of traffic. That may be one way to route. doon't have the addresses handy but if you want I can look them up for you. 73 Rick KB7QLY/MM on MV Cape Orlando (temporarily at @N6EEG in SFO) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 03:02:34 GMT From: (Charles Veith) Subject: Pakratt for Windows vs PkGold I'm interested in hearing comparisons of Pakratt for Windows relative to PkGold. Specifically I would like to know if Pakratt for Windows allows the easy seperation of streams into seperate windows. This is the feature I most value about PkGold; I can maintain a qso(s) while keeping an eye on the rest of the network at the same time. Does Pakratt for windows have this capability? I'm a long time use of PkGold but interflex upgrade prices are becoming too steep for me to justify. Thanks es 73. ///////\ _/_/_/_/_/_/ |||||||::| _/_/_/_/_/_/ Charles (KG5TV) _/_/_/_/_/_/~~~||||||| ~~~_/_/_/_/_/_/ Tahlequah, Oklahoma \\\\\\\/ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 16:10:07 GMT From: (Herb Blair) Subject: PK-232-->MAC-->TCP/IP? Has anyone had experience in running a PK-232 with MAC/NET on a MAC? I have a hardware handshaking problem and can't seem to make the thing work. I would like to know your setup, etc. thanks, Herb WA5YKO ------------------------------ Date: 17 Oct 1994 06:07:00 GMT From: (Brian Kantor) Subject: Send .COM files over e-mail Or better yet, instead of using UUENCODE, which uses characters that aren't going to survive some e-mail gateways, use the MIME standard that does. Why gosh-golly, if you use one of the standards, you might even find that you don't have to write code to use it, because your mailer might already understand it. But then, being compatable and following standards would take all the fun out of it, eh? That's why we're AMATEURS, right? - Brian ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 94 10:02:51 EDT From: (Larry Rappaport) Subject: Standard C5718DA (Ken Brooke) writes: > Any users on the group who would care to share their experiences with > Standard's new dual-bander? I have just about decided to buy > one---$675 postage paid! Has anyone set it up with the dual microphone > option? HRO stated that they had sold several thousand units, but only > one dual mic cable set. Anyone successfully used one in digital modes? > How is the cross-band repeater mode? Just using your post to publish an interesting trick I just learned. The problem with using a mobile radio as a cross-band repeater is that when used with a regular repeater, you have to wait for the tail to drop - a nuisance to say the least. If, however, the repeater sends a PL tone keyed NOT to the PTT line as is usually done, but instead to the COR line, your radio will switch immediately. Probably most of you guys knew this, but I didn't, thought it was slick, and wanted to spread it around! 73, W1HJF -- Larry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. M. Rappaport & Associates, Inc. voice +1 603 237 8400 Colebrook, NH 03576-0158 CIS 72427,2567 fax +1 603 237 8430 ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #343 ******************************